SCHub Cover

A web application serving institution's data through an API

Visit SCHub




Effortlessly manage and organize school/university data with our intuitive administration feature.


API Integration

Seamlessly integrate our API into your existing systems to access real-time school/university data.


Secure Login

Protect sensitive information with our robust and secure login system for authorized access.

Accessible relevant data for students and teachers

User Dashboards

Users can access data relevant to them, like student's courses and teachers.

About SCHub

SCHub was inspired by the need to find efficient solutions for managing educational institutions. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for schools and universities to access and utilize their data effectively.


Creator 1
Aina Jesulayomi

Full-stack Engineer

Creator 2
Samuel Iwelumo

Full-stack Engineer

Plans & Goals

Our future plans for SCHub include expanding the range of data fields supported and continuously improving the design and user experience. We strive to provide a comprehensive solution for educational institutions' needs.